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Earthship Music School on Easter Island - Toki

Build a Self-Sustainable Music School and help severely isolated children.

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Earthship Music School on Easter Island - Toki

Earthship Music School on Easter Island - Toki

Earthship Music School on Easter Island - Toki

Earthship Music School on Easter Island - Toki

Earthship Music School on Easter Island - Toki

Build a Self-Sustainable Music School and help severely isolated children.

Build a Self-Sustainable Music School and help severely isolated children.

Build a Self-Sustainable Music School and help severely isolated children.

Build a Self-Sustainable Music School and help severely isolated children.

Mahani Teave-Enrique Icka-NGO TOKI
Mahani Teave-Enrique Icka-NGO TOKI
Mahani Teave-Enrique Icka-NGO TOKI
Mahani Teave-Enrique Icka-NGO TOKI
1 Campaign |
Hanga Roa / Easter Island, Chile
$60,373 USD 325 backers
107% of $56,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Greetings to all! We did it!! We´ve reached our first goal thanks to everyone!!

Please keep on contributing so we can buy construction materials that are still missing to complete the school!

                                                 THE PROJECT 

Building a (Radically Sustainable) Music School for Children. Made by the Community and Volunteers from all over the world! Starting in November. 

                                    Watch our story on 


Greetings from Rapa Nui - Easter Island

I am Mahani Teave, concert pianist and one of the founders of NGO Toki Rapanui. Welcome to Easter Island’s first crowdfunding project!

Our dream is that children from Easter Island can develop their talents and learn music without having to leave their home and families behind.

This story begins when I was 9 years old. I left loved ones and home so I could study music. I flew 2,300 miles away from the most remote inhabited island on earth, I worked hard and became Easter Island’s first and only concert pianist.

Thanks mum for believing in me!        

In 2004 I returned to the island for a concert. A young girl approached me with a letter in hand which described her dream of becoming a flutist:

“I am willing to leave everything behind, friends, family, my land, and go to the mainland to have the opportunity to learn," she wrote.

That letter changed my life... I was heartbroken to see how her dream was drowning in the immense ocean that isolates the island from the rest of the world. For her and many children, learning music means abandoning their home and living far away.

This is the reason behind our dream and this is why we need your help!

Let's build a radically sustainable Music School, a unique example of earth-friendly architecture, where 15% of Easter Island children can learn for free.

The situation today:


This will allow us to continue our lessons and receive 225 children! We plan to add art, dance, and sculpture, and focus on endangered cultural patrimony, such as Easter Island’s ancestral chants.

Enrique Icka, member of NGO Toki Rapanui, has donated his land in one of Easter Island’s most beautiful areas! Have a look...



Lead by Michael Reynolds, Earthship Biotecture founder, chief architect and friend, our Music School will be an example of cultural preservation and respect for Mother Earth. During the construction we will reuse 800 car tires, 20 giant truck tires, nylon sheets, glass and plastic (PET) bottles, uncrushed aluminum cans and 4 bales of paper-cardboard. Plus solar panels, water reutilization systems, rainwater collectors and natural cooling and heating will make this totally off-the-grid school! 

". . . the Earthship is the epitome of sustainable design and construction." 

Click here to learn more                 

Michael's specially designed "flower model" for our Music School in Easter Island... 

Watch Michael's message for you to join our crusade!   




First Goal -USD$ 56.000

- Shipping of solar panels from the United States to Easter Island

- Airfare for Earthship’s team from New Mexico to Easter Island

- Construction tools for volunteers and the local community

- Earthship’s Biotecture Academy for 70 volunteers from around the world

The first step towards our dream! Our multicultural team of volunteers will have the tools and the knowledge to build the Music School!


1- USD$ 60.000

This is the world’s most isolated island and this comes with a high cost. Our 1st Stretch Goal will pay for the necessary materials to push our dream forward and move into the second stage of planning and construction for the Music School.

2 – USD$ 54.000

We want our school to be a world-class example of respect for children, music, nature and culture. Achieving this goal will allow us to do just that, taking care of all the necessary materials, tools, transportation and lodging to build 25% of the school, for our children to start learning in a totally sustainable facility!  



The famous Jesse Luken supports us

The  fantastic Alpha Blondie

Gustavo Dudamel, the famous Venezuelan Children Orchestra Director





We are a non-profit organization of young Easter Island professionals working to protect and promote the cultural and natural heritages of the most isolated inhabited place on earth: our Island.

Thank you for helping us protect our future (our environment and our children).

Our hearts will always be with you...


Visit or say Iorana! at



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He aroha/Greetings

$25 USD
Your photo will appear as a sponsor on our Facebook Wall of fame. You will also receive a greeting from Mahani Teave in a small video and a digital photo of the children in the finished music school, with a big Thank You written in the Rapanui language!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
66 claimed

Up to date, Thanks so much!

$1 USD
This is the first crowdfunding campaign from Easter Island and so we need your help spreading the word: By donating USD 1 , you will become an UPDATED backer. You are called to view and share on Twitter and Facebook our campaign video and you´ll receive the latest info about this effort for you to be on fresh news.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
4 out of 2500 of claimed

Ka koa/Be happy

$50 USD
A musical ringtone of a student playing the instrument of your choice: piano, violin, cello, or ukulele. (You backers will be the first people ever in history to have this!) PLUS everything in the $25 reward
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
29 claimed

Social rock & Movie credits

$100 USD
We will follow you through the official Twitter accounts of Mahani and the ONG for a whole year and you will have an exclusive link to download the movie we´ll do about the school´s construction. Guess who´s going to be in the credits... YOU!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
10 out of 2500 of claimed

Original DVD with the process

$250 USD
We´ll send you a personalized copy from the original DVD that captures the construction of the school accompanied by a signed "thanks" letter. Of course you will also appear in the credits of the movie
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
4 out of 500 of claimed

Early bird: Mahogany Ukulele

$500 USD
We´ll offer you, for the first time in crowdfunding, a limited edition of 1500 Asonu Delux Solid Mahogany Ukulele. Amazing eight-string, solid, foliated units, stamped with TOKI logo and signed by Mahani Teave, talented musician and cultural ambassador of Easter Island. Please add USD 50 for US shipping and USD 100 for shipping outside the US.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
7 out of 100 of claimed

Second birds: Mahogany Ukulele

$600 USD
We´ll offer you, for the first time in crowdfunding, a limited edition of 1500 Asonu Delux Solid Mahogany Ukulele. Amazing foliated units stamped with TOKI logo and signed by Mahani Teave, talented musician and cultural ambassador of Easter Island.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
3 out of 100 of claimed

Third birds: Mahogany Ukulele

$700 USD
We´ll offer you, for the first time in crowdfunding, a limited edition of 1500 Asonu Delux Solid Mahogany Ukulele. Amazing foliated units stamped with TOKI logo and signed by Mahani Teave, talented musician and cultural ambassador of Easter Island.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1 out of 100 of claimed

Set of 5 Mahogany Ukuleles

$5,000 USD
We´ll offer you, for the first time in crowdfunding, a limited edition of 1500 Asonu Delux Solid Mahogany Ukulele. Amazing foliated units stamped with TOKI logo and signed by Mahani Teave, talented musician and cultural ambassador of Easter Island.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed
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